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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    December, 1933; "Old Garfield's Heart" - Robert E. Howard; "King Cobra" by Joseph Kesselring; Margaret Brundage Good Girl cover; PULP IMPACT rating of 6 (PI)
    nice eye appeal
    December, 1933; "Old Garfield's Heart" - Robert E. Howard; "King Cobra" by Joseph Kesselring; Margaret Brundage Good Girl cover; PULP IMPACT rating of 6 (PI)
    nice eye appeal
    Pulp VF-: 7.5
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    November, 1933; "Shambleau" - First published story by C.L. Moore; Brundage Good Girl skull-lover cover
    nice eye appeal
    November, 1933; "Shambleau" - First published story by C.L. Moore; Brundage Good Girl skull-lover cover
    nice eye appeal
    Pulp FN: 6.0
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    Highest Offer: $600
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    July 1934.; M. Brundage cover; "Through the Gates of the Silver Key" by H.P. Lovecraft and E. Hoffman Price.
    good eye appeal
    July 1934.; M. Brundage cover; "Through the Gates of the Silver Key" by H.P. Lovecraft and E. Hoffman Price.
    good eye appeal
    Pulp VG/F: 5.0
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    August, 1937; Classic Brundage Good Girl/Amorphous Blob cover; Posthumous Howard verse; "The Statement of Randolph Carter" - Lovecraft (reprint); PULP IMPACT rating of 7 (PI)
    off-white pages
    August, 1937; Classic Brundage Good Girl/Amorphous Blob cover; Posthumous Howard verse; "The Statement of Randolph Carter" - Lovecraft (reprint); PULP IMPACT rating of 7 (PI)
    off-white pages
    Pulp FN-: 5.5
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    Highest Offer: $200
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    May, 1938; Brundage bondage cover; "Pigeons from Hell" - Robert E. Howard; Lovecraft verse; Finlay illustrations
    May, 1938; Brundage bondage cover; "Pigeons from Hell" - Robert E. Howard; Lovecraft verse; Finlay illustrations
    Pulp VG/F: 5.0
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    September, 1943; dragon cover; "Herbert West: Reanimator" - H.P. Lovecraft (5/6); PULP IMPACT rating of 5 (PI)
    September, 1943; dragon cover; "Herbert West: Reanimator" - H.P. Lovecraft (5/6); PULP IMPACT rating of 5 (PI)
    Pulp VG: 4.0
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    June, 1926. "The Moon-Bug" by H.P. Lovecraft; PULP IMPACT rating of 7 (PI)
    tape on interior front & back covers + right edge trim
    June, 1926. "The Moon-Bug" by H.P. Lovecraft; PULP IMPACT rating of 7 (PI)
    tape on interior front & back covers + right edge trim
    Pulp VG-: 3.5
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    April, 1927. "Explorers Into Infinity" by Ray Cummings
    taped spine; chipping at pages
    April, 1927. "Explorers Into Infinity" by Ray Cummings
    taped spine; chipping at pages
    Pulp G/G-: 1.9
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    June, 1936; Robert E. Howard & Bloch stories; classic Brundage vampire cover; PULP IMPACT rating of 7 (PI)
    June, 1936; Robert E. Howard & Bloch stories; classic Brundage vampire cover; PULP IMPACT rating of 7 (PI)
    Pulp VG: 4.0
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    November, 1942; First Weird Tales appearance of Ray Bradbury; "Herbert West: Reanimator" by Lovecraft (4/6) PULP IMPACT rating of 7 (PI)
    white pages
    November, 1942; First Weird Tales appearance of Ray Bradbury; "Herbert West: Reanimator" by Lovecraft (4/6) PULP IMPACT rating of 7 (PI)
    white pages
    Pulp FN++: 6.8
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    March, 1944; "The Trail of Cthulhu" by August Derleth; PULP IMPACT rating of 5 (PI)
    March, 1944; "The Trail of Cthulhu" by August Derleth; PULP IMPACT rating of 5 (PI)
    Pulp FN+: 6.5
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    November, 1944; Bradbury, Bloch, Derleth + Matt Fox cover; PULP IMPACT rating of 5 (PI)
    off-white pages
    November, 1944; Bradbury, Bloch, Derleth + Matt Fox cover; PULP IMPACT rating of 5 (PI)
    off-white pages
    Pulp VG/F: 5.0
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    July, 1946; Classic spooky Matt Fox cover; PULP IMPACT rating of 5 (PI)
    ow/white pages
    July, 1946; Classic spooky Matt Fox cover; PULP IMPACT rating of 5 (PI)
    ow/white pages
    Pulp VG+: 4.5
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    Nov 1949; Classic Matt Fox demon graveyard cover; Harding, Burks, Seabury Quinn, August Derleth stories; PULP IMACT rating of 6 (PI)
    Nov 1949; Classic Matt Fox demon graveyard cover; Harding, Burks, Seabury Quinn, August Derleth stories; PULP IMACT rating of 6 (PI)
    Pulp G+: 2.5
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    July 1948. Cover by Matt Fox. Horror and supernatural stories by Edmond Hamilton "Twilight of the Gods", Allison V. Harding. Harold Lawlor, Stephen Grendon, Theodore Sturgeon "Abreaction", Malcolm M. Ferguson, Manly Wade Wellman, and E. Everett Evans; PU
    glossy! ow/white pages
    July 1948. Cover by Matt Fox. Horror and supernatural stories by Edmond Hamilton "Twilight of the Gods", Allison V. Harding. Harold Lawlor, Stephen Grendon, Theodore Sturgeon "Abreaction", Malcolm M. Ferguson, Manly Wade Wellman, and E. Everett Evans; PU
    glossy! ow/white pages
    Pulp VG/F: 5.0
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    Sept 1948. Cover by Lee Brown Coye. Horror and supernatural stories by Ray Bradbury ("Fever Dream"), August Derleth, Allison V. Harding, Dorothy Quick, Harold Lawlor, Stanton A. Coblentz, Snowden T. Herrick, Edmond Hamilton, Eric Frank Russell, Peter Phil
    glossy! ow/white pages
    Sept 1948. Cover by Lee Brown Coye. Horror and supernatural stories by Ray Bradbury ("Fever Dream"), August Derleth, Allison V. Harding, Dorothy Quick, Harold Lawlor, Stanton A. Coblentz, Snowden T. Herrick, Edmond Hamilton, Eric Frank Russell, Peter Phil
    glossy! ow/white pages
    Pulp FN-: 5.5
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    Nov 1948. cover by Giunta. Horror and supernatural stories by Theodore Sturgeon "The Perfect Host", Allison V. Harding, Robert Bloch "The Indian Spirit Guide", Stephen Grendon, Carl Jacobi, Malcolm Kenneth Murchie, Seabury Quinn, and Eric Frank Russe
    ow//white pages
    Nov 1948. cover by Giunta. Horror and supernatural stories by Theodore Sturgeon "The Perfect Host", Allison V. Harding, Robert Bloch "The Indian Spirit Guide", Stephen Grendon, Carl Jacobi, Malcolm Kenneth Murchie, Seabury Quinn, and Eric Frank Russe
    ow//white pages
    Pulp FN-: 5.5
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    Jan 1947. classic cover by A. R. Tilburne. Horror and supernatural stories by William Hope Hodgson "The Hog", Edmond Hamilton, Roger S. Vreeland, Chester S. Geier, Stephen Grendon, Theodore Sturgeon "Cellmate", Charles King, Ray Bradbury
    Jan 1947. classic cover by A. R. Tilburne. Horror and supernatural stories by William Hope Hodgson "The Hog", Edmond Hamilton, Roger S. Vreeland, Chester S. Geier, Stephen Grendon, Theodore Sturgeon "Cellmate", Charles King, Ray Bradbury
    Pulp F/VF: 7.0
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    Bloch story; September 1946; PULP IMPACT rating of 4 (PI)
    glossy! off-white pages
    Bloch story; September 1946; PULP IMPACT rating of 4 (PI)
    glossy! off-white pages
    Pulp VG/F: 5.0
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    Jan 1949. Cover by Lee Brown Coye. Horror and supernatural stories by Allison Harding "Four From Jehlam", Robert Heinlein "Our Fair City", E. Everett Jones, Frank Gruber, Snowden T. Herrick, John MacDonald "The Great Stone Death", Harold Lawlor.
    glossy! ow/white pages
    Jan 1949. Cover by Lee Brown Coye. Horror and supernatural stories by Allison Harding "Four From Jehlam", Robert Heinlein "Our Fair City", E. Everett Jones, Frank Gruber, Snowden T. Herrick, John MacDonald "The Great Stone Death", Harold Lawlor.
    glossy! ow/white pages
    Pulp VG+: 4.5
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