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For nearly two decades, Metropolis has been recognized and renowned for obtaining and selling the most sought after comic books and collections.  Most importantly, our services have been enlisted by the private individuals who are the most aggressive collectors in the market.  If you're considering selling or consigning your comic books, there is no company better poised than Metropolis to help you realize the best return.  Metropolis even offers up to $500,000 in CASH ADVANCES on select consignments.

In today's market, the decision of just how to sell your comic books is critical. Making the right choice is like walking a tightrope without a net. Perhaps the most common pitfall novice sellers fall into is blindly consigning to an auction house. We guarantee you will realize a higher return on your investment by consigning with Metropolis. If you're considering parting with your collection, and think an auction house is the best way to go, we strongly advise you consider the following:   

Do the Math

The commission rate an auction house charges you, the seller, is typically 15%. However, the auction house will also charge the bidder a "buyer's premium" of 15%. Make no mistake about it, a bidder in an auction simply deducts that additional 15% from the final price they are willing to pay. Bottom line: The auction house is taking nearly a 30% cut from each and every transaction. By having their hand in the pocket of both the bidder and the seller, the auction house ensures the most profit for itself, while the consignor hemorrhages on their investment. At Metropolis, we charge ONLY a small consignment fee with no buyer's premium.  That's money back in your pocket.

When you consign to Metropolis Collectibles, you have at your disposal the services of the largest dealer of vintage comic books in the world.  More importantly, you benefit from the thousands upon thousands of long-term customer relationships we've developed over the past 20 years. We're in it for the long haul, and will work with you to develop a strategy that will get you the highest return. We won't "square-peg" your collection into a formula that doesn't fit. We will pursue the avenue or avenues that work best for the comics you consign. Sometimes, that means selling your comics to the private individuals who pay the very best for being offered the very best. Oftentimes, we will arrange exclusive viewings at our showroom in Manhattan. We also maintain thousands of want lists of customers waiting in the wings for certain comic books to come to market - comic books that you may have in your collection.  Our Internet sales continue to double every year, and our robust e-commerce business already boasts over 1 million hits each month! In addition to utilizing the most recent and cutting edge database and marketing technology, the tremendous media coverage Metropolis Collectibles has recently received from Barron's, Crains, Forbes, The Associated Press, Reuters, Bloomberg, New York Magazine, The New York Times, The Washington Post, CBSMarketwatch and many others continue to propel both Metropolis and the comic book industry to new heights.

If you're thinking of selling your comics, call Metropolis Collectibles at 1-800-229-METRO or email [email protected] for a free consultation.


Metropolis Collectibles
Street Address:
36 W 37 St, Fl 6
New York
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United States
Toll Free Tel:
1-800-229-6387 (METRO)
Int'l 001-212-260-4147
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