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857 Results -  Per Page:
    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) V44 #7 Pulp
    Nov 1952; painted skeleton cover
    Nov 1952; painted skeleton cover
    Pulp FN-: 5.5
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) V39 #7 Pulp
    Sept. 1946; Day of Judgement
    Sept. 1946; Day of Judgement
    Pulp G: 2.0
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) V39 #10 Pulp
    3/47; Bloch, Sturgeon stories
    3/47; Bloch, Sturgeon stories
    Pulp G/VG: 3.0
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) V36 #11 Pulp
    May 1943; Brundage cover; PULP IMACT rating of 4 (PI)
    May 1943; Brundage cover; PULP IMACT rating of 4 (PI)
    Pulp G/VG: 3.0
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) V39 #12 Pulp
    9/47; painted cvr
    off white pgs
    9/47; painted cvr
    off white pgs
    Pulp FN-: 5.5
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    Double Action Magazines FN: 6.0
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    January 3 1925. Max Brand western novel and other stories.
    January 3 1925. Max Brand western novel and other stories.
    Street & Smith VG/F: 5.0
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    October, 1934
    glossy! ow/white pages
    October, 1934
    glossy! ow/white pages
    Pulp F/VF: 7.0
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    May, 1931. "Worlds to Barter" - First published story by John Wyndham (ps).
    final 4 interiors pages clipped out
    May, 1931. "Worlds to Barter" - First published story by John Wyndham (ps).
    final 4 interiors pages clipped out
    Pulp F/VF: 7.0
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    Nov 1930; 1st pulp-format issue; Frank Paul weird alien torture cover
    Nov 1930; 1st pulp-format issue; Frank Paul weird alien torture cover
    Pulp FN: 6.0
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    Winter 1933; painted cover
    Winter 1933; painted cover
    Pulp FN+: 6.5
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    Aug 1930; painted cover
    taped spn, paper tape
    Aug 1930; painted cover
    taped spn, paper tape
    Pulp G/VG: 3.0
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    Nov 1931; painted cover
    cvr partially dtchd
    Nov 1931; painted cover
    cvr partially dtchd
    Pulp G-: 1.8
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    WONDER STORIES V3 #10 Pulp
    March 1932; "Mutiny on Mercury" by Simak
    March 1932; "Mutiny on Mercury" by Simak
    Pulp VG-: 3.5
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    WONDER STORIES V3 #11 Pulp
    Apr 1932; "The Electronic Siege" by Campbell
    Apr 1932; "The Electronic Siege" by Campbell
    Pulp VG-: 3.5
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    WONDER STORIES V3 #12 Pulp
    May 1932; freaky giant insect bondage cover
    cvr partially dtchd
    May 1932; freaky giant insect bondage cover
    cvr partially dtchd
    Pulp G-: 1.8
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    WU FANG V2 #2 Pulp
    classic Jerome Rozen bondage/torture cover
    classic Jerome Rozen bondage/torture cover
    Pulp VG+: 4.5
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    Highest Offer: $177
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