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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    July, 1929; The Corpse-Master - Seabury Quinn (Jules de Grandin); PULP IMPACT rating of 6 (PI)
    glossy; complete red spine
    July, 1929; The Corpse-Master - Seabury Quinn (Jules de Grandin); PULP IMPACT rating of 6 (PI)
    glossy; complete red spine
    Pulp VG+: 4.5
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    May 1950. Cover by Boris Dolgov. Horror and supernatural stories by Robert Bloch, Harold Lawlor, Stanton A. Coblentz, Seabury Quinn, William F. Temple, Mary Elizabeth Counselman, Margaret St. Clair, Evangeline Walton, Stephen Grendon, and Malcolm M. Fergu
    May 1950. Cover by Boris Dolgov. Horror and supernatural stories by Robert Bloch, Harold Lawlor, Stanton A. Coblentz, Seabury Quinn, William F. Temple, Mary Elizabeth Counselman, Margaret St. Clair, Evangeline Walton, Stephen Grendon, and Malcolm M. Fergu
    Pulp FN-: 5.5
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    March 1950. Cover by Lee Brown Coye + Matt Fox illus.. Novellettes incl. Home to Mother by Wellman, and the stories: The Corn Dance by St Clair, Dead Man's Shoes by Keene, The Hungry Ghost by Petaja, The Shadow of Saturn by Hoffmann
    March 1950. Cover by Lee Brown Coye + Matt Fox illus.. Novellettes incl. Home to Mother by Wellman, and the stories: The Corn Dance by St Clair, Dead Man's Shoes by Keene, The Hungry Ghost by Petaja, The Shadow of Saturn by Hoffmann
    Pulp VG/F: 5.0
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    Sept 1950; Bill Wayne ghost lawyer cover; Asimov, Wellman, Bloch, Derleth, Jacobi stories
    Sept 1950; Bill Wayne ghost lawyer cover; Asimov, Wellman, Bloch, Derleth, Jacobi stories
    Pulp G+: 2.5
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    July 1950; classic Matt Fox bat cover; Bloch, Quinn, Derleth stories; Lovecraft verse
    July 1950; classic Matt Fox bat cover; Bloch, Quinn, Derleth stories; Lovecraft verse
    Pulp G+: 2.5
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    July 1950; classic Matt Fox bat cover; Bloch, Quinn, Derleth stories; Lovecraft verse
    great eye appeal
    July 1950; classic Matt Fox bat cover; Bloch, Quinn, Derleth stories; Lovecraft verse
    great eye appeal
    Pulp F/VF: 7.0
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    Sept 1950; Bill Wayne ghost lawyer cover; Asimov, Wellman, Bloch, Derleth, Jacobi stories
    Sept 1950; Bill Wayne ghost lawyer cover; Asimov, Wellman, Bloch, Derleth, Jacobi stories
    Pulp FN-: 5.5
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    May 1950. Cover by Boris Dolgov. Horror and supernatural stories by Robert Bloch, Harold Lawlor, Stanton A. Coblentz, Seabury Quinn, William F. Temple, Mary Elizabeth Counselman, Margaret St. Clair, Evangeline Walton, Stephen Grendon, and Malcolm M. Fergu
    May 1950. Cover by Boris Dolgov. Horror and supernatural stories by Robert Bloch, Harold Lawlor, Stanton A. Coblentz, Seabury Quinn, William F. Temple, Mary Elizabeth Counselman, Margaret St. Clair, Evangeline Walton, Stephen Grendon, and Malcolm M. Fergu
    Pulp VG/F: 5.0
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    Nov 1950. Cover by Frank Kelly Freas. Horror and supernatural stories by Fritz Lieber "The Dead Man", H. Russell Wakefield, Seabury Quinn, Harold Lawlor, Mary Elizabeth Counselman, Margaret St. Clair, Murray Sanford, and H. S. W. Chibbet. Illustrations by
    Nov 1950. Cover by Frank Kelly Freas. Horror and supernatural stories by Fritz Lieber "The Dead Man", H. Russell Wakefield, Seabury Quinn, Harold Lawlor, Mary Elizabeth Counselman, Margaret St. Clair, Murray Sanford, and H. S. W. Chibbet. Illustrations by
    Pulp FN: 6.0
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    April, 1937; Virgil Finlay Symphony of the Damned cover; PULP IMPACT rating of 6 (CBI)
    April, 1937; Virgil Finlay Symphony of the Damned cover; PULP IMPACT rating of 6 (CBI)
    Pulp VG+: 4.5
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    Bloch story; June, 1937; Brundage cover; PULP IMPACT rating of 6 (PI)
    Bloch story; June, 1937; Brundage cover; PULP IMPACT rating of 6 (PI)
    Pulp FN+: 6.5
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    February, 1934; Brundage torture cover; "The Valley of the Worm" - Robert E Howard
    February, 1934; Brundage torture cover; "The Valley of the Worm" - Robert E Howard
    Pulp VG+: 4.5
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    June, 1935; "Beyond the Black River" by Robert E. Howard (conclusion, Conan); Brundage Good Girl Hollywood + devil cover; PULP IMPACT rating of 8 (PI)
    June, 1935; "Beyond the Black River" by Robert E. Howard (conclusion, Conan); Brundage Good Girl Hollywood + devil cover; PULP IMPACT rating of 8 (PI)
    Pulp VG/F: 5.0
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    July, 1935; Brundage cover; PULP IMPACT rating of 7 (PI)
    July, 1935; Brundage cover; PULP IMPACT rating of 7 (PI)
    Pulp VG+: 4.5
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    Highest Offer: $115
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    February, 1938; classic Finlay nude cover; "From Beyond" - H.P. Lovecraft (reprint from 1934 fanzine); "The Diary of Alonzo Typer" - Lovecraft (pseudonym); Howard verse
    February, 1938; classic Finlay nude cover; "From Beyond" - H.P. Lovecraft (reprint from 1934 fanzine); "The Diary of Alonzo Typer" - Lovecraft (pseudonym); Howard verse
    Pulp VG-: 3.5
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    September, 1940; classic skull-ships battle cover; PULP IMPACT rating of 7 (PI)
    September, 1940; classic skull-ships battle cover; PULP IMPACT rating of 7 (PI)
    Pulp VG: 4.0
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    December, 1939; Lovecraft verse; Bloch story; Classic Bok gas-mask and skeletons cover; PULP IMPACT rating of 6 (PI)
    December, 1939; Lovecraft verse; Bloch story; Classic Bok gas-mask and skeletons cover; PULP IMPACT rating of 6 (PI)
    Pulp VG-: 3.5
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    March, 1940; Lovecraft verse; Hannes Bok cover; PULP IMPACT rating of 6 (PI)
    nice eye appeal
    March, 1940; Lovecraft verse; Hannes Bok cover; PULP IMPACT rating of 6 (PI)
    nice eye appeal
    Pulp VF: 8.0
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    September, 1939; "Cool Air" - H.P. Lovecraft; Classic Finlay Poe cover; "A Night in Malneant" - Clark Ashton Smith; PULP IMPACT rating of 6 (PI)
    September, 1939; "Cool Air" - H.P. Lovecraft; Classic Finlay Poe cover; "A Night in Malneant" - Clark Ashton Smith; PULP IMPACT rating of 6 (PI)
    Pulp VG-: 3.5
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    January, 1939; Finlay cover; Title page erroneously says 1938; "Medusa's Coil" - Lovecraft; "Waxworks" by Robert Bloch
    tape stain at spine
    January, 1939; Finlay cover; Title page erroneously says 1938; "Medusa's Coil" - Lovecraft; "Waxworks" by Robert Bloch
    tape stain at spine
    Pulp VG: 4.0
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