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    Seaboard NM+: 9.6
    white pgs
    The Tarantula + classic female bondage cover (2/75)
    white pgs
    The Tarantula + classic female bondage cover (2/75)
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    Sept 1948. Cover by Lee Brown Coye. Horror and supernatural stories by Ray Bradbury ("Fever Dream"), August Derleth, Allison V. Harding, Dorothy Quick, Harold Lawlor, Stanton A. Coblentz, Snowden T. Herrick, Edmond Hamilton, Eric Frank Russell, Peter Phil
    Sept 1948. Cover by Lee Brown Coye. Horror and supernatural stories by Ray Bradbury ("Fever Dream"), August Derleth, Allison V. Harding, Dorothy Quick, Harold Lawlor, Stanton A. Coblentz, Snowden T. Herrick, Edmond Hamilton, Eric Frank Russell, Peter Phil
    Pulp FN-: 5.5
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    March, 1939. "The Quest of Iranon" by Lovecraft, Howard verse + Finlay cover; PULP IMPACT rating of 5 (PI)
    March, 1939. "The Quest of Iranon" by Lovecraft, Howard verse + Finlay cover; PULP IMPACT rating of 5 (PI)
    Pulp FN: 6.0
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    Bloch story; June, 1937; Brundage cover; PULP IMPACT rating of 6 (PI)
    Bloch story; June, 1937; Brundage cover; PULP IMPACT rating of 6 (PI)
    Pulp FN-: 5.5
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    February, 1932; Classic nude crucifixion cover; "The Thing on the Roof" - Robert E. Howard; "The Devil's Bride" - Seabury Quinn (1/6)
    nice eye appeal
    February, 1932; Classic nude crucifixion cover; "The Thing on the Roof" - Robert E. Howard; "The Devil's Bride" - Seabury Quinn (1/6)
    nice eye appeal
    Pulp FN: 6.0
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    Nov 1949; Classic Matt Fox demon graveyard cover; Harding, Burks, Seabury Quinn, August Derleth stories; PULP IMACT rating of 6 (PI)
    Nov 1949; Classic Matt Fox demon graveyard cover; Harding, Burks, Seabury Quinn, August Derleth stories; PULP IMACT rating of 6 (PI)
    Pulp FN: 6.0
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    May 1949. 1st 25 cent cover price. Cover by John Giunta. Horror and supernatural stories by Allison V. Harding "The Damp Man Again", Arthur J. Burks, Seabury Quinn, Carl Jacobi, Harold Lawlor, Anthony Boucher, Malcolm Kenneth Murchie, Greye La Spina, John
    May 1949. 1st 25 cent cover price. Cover by John Giunta. Horror and supernatural stories by Allison V. Harding "The Damp Man Again", Arthur J. Burks, Seabury Quinn, Carl Jacobi, Harold Lawlor, Anthony Boucher, Malcolm Kenneth Murchie, Greye La Spina, John
    Pulp VF-: 7.5
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    Bradbury & Bloch stories; November, 1946; PULP IMPACT rating of 4 (PI)
    Bradbury & Bloch stories; November, 1946; PULP IMPACT rating of 4 (PI)
    Pulp VG/F: 5.0
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    Bloch story; September 1946; PULP IMPACT rating of 4 (PI)
    Canadian version of Sept 1946 issue but published in Nov 1946
    Bloch story; September 1946; PULP IMPACT rating of 4 (PI)
    Canadian version of Sept 1946 issue but published in Nov 1946
    Pulp G/VG: 3.0
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    November, 1929; Senf bondage cover; "The Curse of Yig" - H.P. Lovecraft; "Skull-Face" by Robert E. Howard (part 2); PULP IMPACT rating of 7 (PI)
    November, 1929; Senf bondage cover; "The Curse of Yig" - H.P. Lovecraft; "Skull-Face" by Robert E. Howard (part 2); PULP IMPACT rating of 7 (PI)
    Pulp VG+: 4.5
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    March, 1930; Senf snake bondage cover; "The Ancient Track", verse - H.P. Lovecraft; "The Thought Monster" - Amelia Reynolds Long
    cover taped to 1st page (ad)
    March, 1930; Senf snake bondage cover; "The Ancient Track", verse - H.P. Lovecraft; "The Thought Monster" - Amelia Reynolds Long
    cover taped to 1st page (ad)
    Pulp G: 2.0
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    February, 1930; Rankin nude bondage cover; "The Fearsome Touch of Death" - Robert E. Howard
    February, 1930; Rankin nude bondage cover; "The Fearsome Touch of Death" - Robert E. Howard
    Pulp VG-: 3.5
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    September, 1929; Senf Gorilla Good Girl cover; "The Mirrors of Tuzun Thune" - R. Howard (King Kull); "The Hound" - Lovecraft; PULP IMPACT rating of 7 (PI)
    September, 1929; Senf Gorilla Good Girl cover; "The Mirrors of Tuzun Thune" - R. Howard (King Kull); "The Hound" - Lovecraft; PULP IMPACT rating of 7 (PI)
    Pulp VG: 4.0
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    July 1930; Senf cover; "The Bagheeta" - director Val Lewton; "The Moon of Skulls" - Robert E. Howard (2/2); "The Bridge of Dewer" - Seabury Quinn (Jules de Grandin) PULP IMPACT rating of 7 (PI)
    nice eye appeal
    July 1930; Senf cover; "The Bagheeta" - director Val Lewton; "The Moon of Skulls" - Robert E. Howard (2/2); "The Bridge of Dewer" - Seabury Quinn (Jules de Grandin) PULP IMPACT rating of 7 (PI)
    nice eye appeal
    Pulp FN: 6.0
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    January, 1932; Bizarre Senf cover; "Mive" - Second published story by Carl Jacobi
    nice eye appeal
    January, 1932; Bizarre Senf cover; "Mive" - Second published story by Carl Jacobi
    nice eye appeal
    Pulp FN++: 6.8
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    November, 1927. "Back to the Beast" - First published story by Manly Wade Wellman; RARE ISSUE
    November, 1927. "Back to the Beast" - First published story by Manly Wade Wellman; RARE ISSUE
    Pulp FN: 6.0
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    October, 1927. "Pickman's Model" by H.P. Lovecraft. First published stories by Donald Wandrei and Wallace West
    good eye appeal
    October, 1927. "Pickman's Model" by H.P. Lovecraft. First published stories by Donald Wandrei and Wallace West
    good eye appeal
    Pulp FN: 6.0
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    May, 1933; St. John cover, Robert E Howard verse; PULP IMPACT rating of 6 (PI)
    May, 1933; St. John cover, Robert E Howard verse; PULP IMPACT rating of 6 (PI)
    Pulp FN: 6.0
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    September, 1932; First Weird Tales cover by Margaret Brundage; PULP IMPACT rating of 7 (PI)
    September, 1932; First Weird Tales cover by Margaret Brundage; PULP IMPACT rating of 7 (PI)
    Pulp VG/F: 5.0
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    WEIRD TALES (1923-92) Pulp
    August, 1933; Margaret Brundage bondage cover; Quinn, Ward, Derleth, Whitehead, Jacobi; PULP IMPACT rating of 7 (PI)
    nice eye appeal
    August, 1933; Margaret Brundage bondage cover; Quinn, Ward, Derleth, Whitehead, Jacobi; PULP IMPACT rating of 7 (PI)
    nice eye appeal
    Pulp FN: 6.0
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